Friday, January 22, 2010

How big is a sloth?

: sloth

Why: Muffy posted "Four Fun Facts about Sloths" from boingboing, but it doesn't say how big they are!

Answer: 50-60 cm, aka 19.6-23.6 inches! That is not very big! The little babies are really teeny.
Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: I learned all sorts of interesting sloth facts from that article. Here are a few:
  • Sloths are related to anteaters and armadillos. Their family tree split from the rest of mammals 75-80 million years ago!
  • They have the lowest body temperature of any mammal - between 86 and 93° F when active (which is barely ever) and even lower when resting!
  • Eagles snatch them off of trees!
  • Their fur has adapted to breed algae to camouflage them!
  • They are wicked smaaht! In a study with a vine- and roped-based maze, sloths showed the same level of cognitive function as cats in a maze on the ground.
  • There are 6 species: 4 three-toed and 2 two-toed! Two-toed sloths love grapes!
  • Three-toed sloths eat almost nothing other than parts of the Cecropia tree, which is why it's hard to keep them in zoos!


  1. sloths live in fear of being snatched off their tree by an eagle. me too.

  2. additionally. i am FURIOUS that your feedjit live traffic feed keeps telling me that i came from cordova. i did NOT come from cordova!!!!

  3. I totally want a little baby sloth to cuddle with... even if that means being covered in algae.
