Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who is Kevin McHale?

: kevin mchale

Why: Tonight on "30 Rock":
JACK: [phone vibrates] It's from Nancy. She says she's in line behind the female Larry Bird. Oh god. There's a photo.
LIZ: Come on, how is Female Larry Bird holding hands with a guy? What am I doing wrong?
[Jack takes a photo of Liz]
LIZ: What's that for?
JACK: I'm telling Nancy that I'm with Female Kevin McHale.
Answer: A 6'10 basketball player from the 80s! Also a Celtic!
Now he coaches the Timberwolves.

: Wikipedia

The More You Know: Other Kevin McHale is that wheelchair kid on "Glee." I already blogged about him. Remember?


  1. McHale's fame varies on where you are. In Boston, he is well-known for being the second-best player on the Bird-led Celtics teams. In Minnesota, he is known for being one of the worst general managers in the modern era, at one point sacrificing multiple first round picks to sign a middling power forward, Joe Smith. Opinion on McHale really ranges all over the map.

    On the plus side though, 30 Rock sure was funny tonight. I don't care if she's 49, Moore is still sexy as all heck.

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