Thursday, February 4, 2010

I want to watch that "Tech Suppoooorrrtttt!!!" scene from "Vanilla Sky"

: tech support vanilla sky

Why: We are discussing movies I hate (and Black Ghostbusters, which I don't think I would) over here in the Comments. Vanilla Sky is #2 on my list (right after Congo - #1 with a bullet).

Answer: Oh my god, watch this thing. Spoiler alert that will blow your mind: It's all a dream!
Hahahah oh god

Well, and there's this one, but it's in Italian. Just imagine him repeating "I wanna wake up! Tech support! It's a nightmare! Tech suppooooorrrrrrtttttttthisistheworstmovieeveerrrrr!!!!!"
Source: YouTube

The More You Know: The soundtrack, however, is actually pretty good. I have it on compact disc. Thanks, Cameron Crowe.


  1. Hahaha. That Tech Support clip reminds me of Nicolas Cage's "Oh god not the bees! The bees! Ahhh!"

    at 1:40ish

  2. See, I thought the scene in the car, with Cameron Diaz screaming unmentionables, is far worse. Tom Cruise is Tom Cruise; he is a complete nut. I somehow expect more out of Diaz.

    Black Ghostbusters will make $500 million when it comes out. I'm picturing Ice Cube and Chris Tucker in a sort of redux from their roles in Friday, along with a big-name star who wants to do some comedy. Morgan Freeman would be perfect, but Lawrence Fishbourne and Denzel are acceptable substitutes. Will Smith is a little too on-the-nose for this kind of movie.

  3. Do you remember Cameron Diaz singing? That is also on the soundtrack, but under her movie name. Idk.

    And you're being totally racist. This is "black" like that play Black Comedy, which is not the subtitle for Madea Goes to Jail.

  4. Well, we would also have a squirrely white dude to balance things out. You know, kind of like a Steve Buscemi or Alan Tudyk role; either one would work out splendidly. And of course, a sassy black lady - Wanda Sykes or Queen Latifah. All I need is some seed money, and I can start banging out this script for Black Ghostbusters.

  5. Don't forget Tracy Morgan. He's so zany!
