Search: hoki
Why: According to The Straight Dope:
One concedes that the hoki, the New Zealand fish you refer to, is probably not something you'd want to see in a tank at the dentist's office. (It's long and skinny with undersized fins and is reminiscent of an eel.) However, having had one plopped on my plate, I'm not going to tell the waiter: This critter is far too homely to satisfy my appetites — please spear me something cuter. The hoki has firm flesh high in omega-3 acids and makes a fine fish sandwich at McDonald's. Equally important, unlike more comely fish, there are (for now) a fair number of them left.Answer: Eh, I've seen worse. The hoki is also known as the blue grenadier, the blue hake, and the New Zealand whiptail.
Source: Google Images
The More You Know: The hoki is one of the species used in McDonald's Filet-O-Fish and McFish sandwiches now that cod barely exists anymore. In 1963, the Fish Filet won a contest against the Hulaburger (bun, 2 pieces of cheese, slice of pineapple) to see which had the most sales. It was then added to the permanent menu.
I ate Hoki today for the second time in the cafe in Whipsnade zoo it is lovely. Will try and buy this at fishmongers its great.