Friday, January 29, 2010

Do bird eggs come out soft or hard?

: are eggs hard when they are laid

Why: There was a fat bird on Daniel and Meggan's porch that, she said, "does nothing but shit on the porch swing." (I would never say such a thing.)

Answer: A little bit of both!

Eggs are soft while in the animal and get hard shell on contact with air and a cooler temperature. Their shape results from the egg being forced through the oviduct. Muscles contract the oviduct behind the egg, pushing it forward. The egg's wall is still shapeable, and the pointy end develops at the back side.
Here's a video of a chicken laying an egg that - warning - may make you want to never eat an egg again. NSFW!
Source: Answer Bag

The More You Know: Eggshells are made of a protein matrix lined with mineral crystals, usually of a calcium compound like calcium carbonate. The substance is calcium build-up; it is not made of cells.

Egg-laying mammals, like platypuses and echidnas, are called monotremes. Baby echidna:

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