Monday, November 9, 2009

Who is Edith Massey?

: Edith Massey

Why: On the fourfour weekly recap of "America's Next Top Model":
Such an effective death scene, too. In fact, it's impressively effective for a show that's so broadly displayed, and becoming so in on its joke, it seems like John Waters could be on the other end of the camera, driving Laura into an Edith Massey-sized frenzy to convey something as simple as the word "ocean"...
Answer: A portly snaggletoothed actress best known for her roles in John Waters's movies, including Multiple Maniacs (1970), Pink Flamingos (1972), Female Trouble (1974), Desperate Living (1977), and Polyester (1981).
Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Massey capitalized on the infamy of Waters's films by touring as the lead singer of a punk band called Edie and the Eggs. She died in 1984 of cancer-related illness and complications from diabetes.

In 1975, director Robert Maier made a documentary short about her called Love Letter to Edie. There is also a director's authorized version re-mastered from his original 16mm color film footage.

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