Monday, November 9, 2009

What happened to Viktor Yushchenko's face?

: victor ushenko; victor yushchenko

Why: On the Newsweek video of top news stories of the 2000s "One Dazing Decade":

Opposition candidate Viktor Yushchenko is poisoned in the Ukraine, changing his appearance overnight.
Answer: In September 2004, during the campaign for Presidency of Ukraine, Yushchenko became seriously ill. He was flown to a Vienna clinic for treatment and diagnosed with acute pancreatitis, accompanied by interstitial edematous changes, due to a serious viral infection and chemical substances that are not normally found in food products. Yushchenko claimed that he had been poisoned by government agents. After the illness, his face was greatly disfigured: jaundiced, bloated, and pockmarked.

A British toxologist declared the changes in Yushchenko's face were due to chloracne, which results from dioxin poisoning. Another Dutch toxologist said the same and found dioxin levels in Yushchenko's blood 6,000 times above normal.

On December 11, a doctor at the Vienna clinic determined that Yushchenko had ingested TCDD dioxin and had 1,000 times the usual concentration in his body. Not all in the medical community agreed with this diagnosis, including the clinic's own chief medical director, Dr. Lothar Wicke, who stated there was no evidence of poisoning. He claimed to have been forced to resign because of his disagreement, and that he threatened by Yushchenko's associates.

Many have linked Yushchenko's poisoning to a dinner with a group of senior Ukrainian officials (including Volodymyr Satsyuk) that took place on September 5th.

Yuschenko won, either way. He is the 3rd and current president of Ukraine.

Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: I just realized I may have never heard this news because I was away during this time, out of contact with the world. Anyway, hot or not?

1 comment:

  1. Vladimir Putin happened to accidently order a man to put a radioactive poison into Victor's tea, so that he could rest control over the Natural Gas pipeline and Ukraine itself.
