Friday, November 20, 2009

When did Coca-Cola introduce the Dynamic Ribbon?

: coke logos

Why: The disclaimer on the soda fountain downstairs says something like:
Coca-Cola and the Dynamic Ribbon are registered trademarks of...
Answer: 1962! It makes sense, since that was when America was getting really wild. The little wave pretty much says, "Live a little!"

The famous Coca-Cola logo was created in 1885 by inventor John Pemberton's bookkeeper, Frank Mason Robinson. He came up with the name and chose the logo's distinctive cursive script. The typeface used, known as Spencerian script, was developed in the mid 19th century and was the dominant form of formal handwriting in the United States during that period.

Source: Flowing Data

The More You Know: Look at this completely inaccurate chart of Coke and Pepsi designs from the past hundred years, and then the corrected version:

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