Saturday, October 24, 2009

What song does Al Pacino dance to in "Scent of a Woman"?

: scent of a woman; tango

Why: I have heard it before. It doesn't have any words.

Answer: It is called "Por una Cabeza" (by a head [of a horse]). It does have lyrics, but I have never heard / noticed them. The song also appears in tango scenes in True Lies, Schindler's List, Delicatessen, All the King's Men, Bad Santa, and Frida.

The song was composed in 1935. Listen here. The part you will recognize starts at 0:44:
Source: YouTube

The More You Know: This movie was on when I woke up. I have never seen it, despite my pre-teen obsession with Chris O'Donnell. And guess who else is in it, dancing in that scene? Gabrielle Anwar, aka Fiona from "Burn Notice."

I am going to rewind and watch it now. Will report back.

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