Sunday, July 12, 2009

Why do we yawn?

: why do we yawn

Why: Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen is 2 and a half hours long. Also, it started at 11 PM.

Answer: Nobody knows! Here are the facts:
  • Yawning is an involuntary respiratory reflex.
  • It's controlled by the spinal and nerve centers.
  • It regulates oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood.
  • Seeing someone else yawn triggers a part of the brain called the superior temporal sulcus and deactivates the periamygdala region on the left side.
Here is the speculation:
  • Yawning is triggered by fatigue or boredom. This is because at those times, breathing is shallow, and little oxygen is carried to the lungs.
  • The sudden intake of oxygen increases the heart rate. This forces oxygen into the blood vessels in the brain and heightens alertness.
  • Yawn contagion is unconscious - It bypasses the parts of the brain that makes us conciously analyze and mimic others.
  • In early humans, yawn contagiousness might have helped people communicate their alertness levels to each other so they could coordinate sleep schedules.
Yawn right now. I command it!

Source: CoolQuiz,

The More You Know: More yawn facts:
  • Yawning occurs excessively in patients with multiple sclerosis and damage to the lower brainstem.
  • Fetuses in the womb yawn (even though they don't breathe oxygen til after live birth).
  • Yawning is contagious in chimpanzees, too.

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