Sunday, June 28, 2009

I want to watch a video of the X2 at Six Flags

: x2 ride youtube

Why: We went on it last night at like 11:15 after 2 hours of waiting in line. It was so crazy worth it.

Answer: Hoo boy:

Source: YouTube

The More You Know: It was night (obv) so the part at 0:55 - 1:05 was all starry and awesome. Then the right after it made me shriek like a little girl. Then I laughed the rest of the time. 2 thumbs way up.
PS: Don't go on the Tatsu. Terror ≠ fun.


  1. i do not understand, nor am i ok with the physics of that video.

  2. Let me put it to you this way: You face DIRECTLY UP.

    OMG i still dream about it.

  3. I would have thrown up on the next rider. twice

  4. i dont know if it was a direct result of screaming my face off on that ride (and tatsu), or a combination of that, not getting enough sleep, and contracting whatever disease sara and mike just had, but i almost completely lost my voice and im yet to fully get it back

    it was so totally worth it though :D
