Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How many people were killed in the Columbine shootings?

: columbine

Why: I am watching Elephant.

Answer: 15 deaths: 12 students, 1 teacher, and the 2 gunmen. It was the 4th deadliest school shooting in US history:
  1. Bath School - May 18, 1927 - 45 killed, 58 injured by a member of the school board
  2. Virginia Tech - April 16, 2007 - 32 killed
  3. University of Texas - August 1, 1966 - 14 killed, 32 injured
  4. Columbine High School - April 20, 1999 - 12 killed, 31 injured
  5. Red Lake Senior High School - March 21, 2005 - 9 killed, 5 wounded
Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: The deadliest school shootings in the world were:
  1. School Number One, Beslan, Russia - September 1-3, 2004 - 385 killed, 783 injured
  2. Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand - October 6, 1976 - 46 killed
  3. Netiv Meir Elementary School, Ma'alot, Israel - May 15, 1974 - 22 killed
  4. Dunblane Primary School, Dunblane, Scotland - March 13, 1996 - 17 killed
  5. Gutenberg-Gymnasium, Erfurt, Germany - 16 killed, 7 injured

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