Friday, July 8, 2011

What does "sushi" mean?

: sushi meaning

Why: On this CBS News list of "25 Genius Tumblrs You Should Be Following":
People Who

Blogger "Wireless G" admits to have started the People Who Tumblr out of anger. "I felt there were too many different sorts of people out there who had not been clearly identified, nor held to account for being themselves - people who post sideways photos, people who insist sushi means 'raw fish' in Japanese, people who make sure you're aware that they don't own a television," explains Wireless G.
It just so happened that I ate at a sushi place last night, except I did not have sushi. I had soup and crab and Asahi Supaa-doraiiii.

: It means two things: When you're talking about the food, it means "seasoned rice," but literally, it's an archaic word that means "sour-tasting."

The vinegared rice is called shari. The other ingredients - usually fish or other seafood - are called neta.
(Dama means "ball.)

There are many different kinds of sushi that all have shari and neta:
  • Makizushi, ""rolled sushi"
  • Nigirizushi, "hand-formed sushi"
  • Temaki, "hand rolls"
The kind like California rolls, with the rice outside and all that, are "Western style" and uncommon in Japan. They are still makizushi.
And sashimi is just sliced fish all by itself, no rice. I have never even seen someone get it at a restaurant.
And... starving.

Source: Essortment, AllWords,, Wikipedia

The More You Know:

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