Search: beetlejuice
Why: Katrina went to see Twin Sister in concert, which I kind of can't believe because when we saw them open for The Morning Benders, we couldn't stop talking about how they were the worst opening band in all of history. The lead singer Andrea Estella reminds me of that lady.
Answer: Adelle Lutz! She is a costume designer by day. And she was - get this - married to David Byrne from 1987-2004! WHAT! Together, they have a daughter named Malu Valentine (b. 1990).
(Their kid: )
Lutz also played a TV anchorwoman in Silence of the Lambs, so now I guess that's what I'll be looking for for the rest of the evening.
Source: IMDb
The More You Know: That character's name is Beryl, by the way. Pretty!
Kids! You know I love them. Fun fact: Harry Belafonte is my favorite singer.
Day o, beetlejuice by speedy94200
Of course this made me go after Winona Ryder and Shake Senora