Thursday, October 21, 2010

What's with the names of Sallie Mae, Fannie Mae, and Freddie Mac?

: sallie mae

Why: I just saw this headline: "Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac bailouts could hit $363 billion." Boohoo. It just so happens that I was worrying about Sallie Mae ruining my life this very morning.

Answer: I can't believe I didn't know this.
  • Sallie Mae - Student Loan Marketing (SLM Corporation)
  • Fannie Mae - Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA)
  • Freddie Mac - Federal Loan Home Mortgage Corporation (FLHMC)
Well, that one doesn't really work. But there's also:
  • Ginnie Mae - Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA)
Did everyone know this except me? I feel like a buffoon.

Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: Sallie Mae did not manage to ruin my life, by the way - not anymore than my graduate degree has managed to make my life better - but have you checked your credit score lately? Maybe give it a once-over before you apply for a super awesome apartment.


  1. Well, you are pretty much the epitome of a dumb blond.

  2. Well that's not nice you asshat

  3. Anonymous, you are obviously the epitome of an ugly virgin.

  4. "Blonde" has an "e" on the end when it refers to a female, dummy. The "e" is silent, like your mouth should be from now on.

  5. "The words blond and blonde come from the French and follow somewhat the French pattern. Blond (without the e) is used to describe males, mixed gender, or uncertain gender. Blonde refers to women or female gender."

    So, what exactly are you implying, Mr. Anonymous?
