Thursday, May 20, 2010

What's the origin of the term "peanut gallery"?

: peanut gallery

: Katrina and Ariana want to play drinking games during the "LOST" finale. I think that is too risky - maybe if anyone opens his trap at all while the show is on, he should have to take a shot. His punishment will be that he blacks out before it's over and he misses the whole thing.
Answer: It was the cheap seats!
The peanut gallery was the topmost tier of seats, the cheapest in the house, a long way from the stage. The same seats in British theatres were (and still are) often called the gods because you were so high you seemed to be halfway to heaven, up there with the allegorical figures that were often painted on the ceiling.
These seats attracted a certain class of people who thought they and each other were just hilarious. They ran their mouths during performances - and probably all day during their work, too, which is why they didn't have enough money to afford better seats. In America, these folks ate peanuts and threw them at the stage when displeased.

Source: World Wide Words

The More You Know
: On "The Howdy Doody Show," the peanut gallery sat up front on the ground. The kids were the peanuts.

Also, when my brother and I got last-minute tickets to Phantom of the Opera on B-way a long time ago, we could see over the top of the chandelier. It looked not unlike this:


  1. It is tradition! We have to drink! I am going to make a rule though, so we can't start the drinking game until the actual finale starts.

    Whatever, if no one else is drinking, Kat and I will be. Right Kat?! Besides, I am not a talker during shows. Drunk me won't talk either. We had a talk about it.

  2. I actually lied a bit - the real reason this came up was because of another drinking game we were dreaming up. I am L-ing OL just thinking about it.

  3. katie and i are attending a lost finale party where only true fans are invited, because we couldnt take a chance that some non-committed viewer would be talking over the dialogue.
