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Sunday, April 18, 2010
How big was the biggest cat ever?
Search: fattest cat
Why: Ben's family claims their cat is 55 lbs.
Answer: On a list of the Top 15 Amazingly Fat Cats from 2006, the biggest one - Katy from Russia - was 50 lbs. The next biggest - Iggy from Missouri - was 46 lbs. The 3rd, Mikesch from Germany, was 41 lbs. Maybe the 2010 edition of this list will feature #1 - Ben's Family's Cat at 55 lbs. Or maybe it's not 55 lbs.
I think it would be easy for them to prove - Get on a scale without the cat, then hop on the scale with the cat, and see what the difference is. However, I'm a little surprised that the world's biggest cat is "only" 50ish pounds. I would have thought in the 75 to 100 range.
I think it would be easy for them to prove - Get on a scale without the cat, then hop on the scale with the cat, and see what the difference is. However, I'm a little surprised that the world's biggest cat is "only" 50ish pounds. I would have thought in the 75 to 100 range.
ReplyDeletecute cute cuuuuuute! his face!
ReplyDeleteI think they weighed it recently and it's actually 25 pounds or something
ReplyDeleteHa! Did Megan say that? I'm outta the loop.