Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What is Manuka honey?

: manuka honey

Why: Amber says it's "extra good for you."

Answer: Well first, manuka is a plant that grows in New Zealand and southern Australia. It is also known as the "tea tree," but not the tea tree you are thinking of.
Manuka is known to be antifungal, and it has been used for decade as a disinfected. Manuka honey is also antibacterial and is used for healing:
  • Stomach ulcers and related conditions
  • Sore throats & colds
  • Skin ulcers, wounds, boils
  • Minor burns & pressure sores
  • Infections & MRSA (superbug)
The antibacterial property is known as UMF (Unique Manuka Factor). The minimum level is 10.
Source:, WiseGeek, Wikipedia

The More You Know: I love bees. Some facts:
  • Honeybees pollinate 1/3 of the world's food. (Even if you don't eat a lot of plants, the animals you eat do.)
  • Baby honeybees do not know how to make honey; they have to be taught.
  • An average worker bee only makes about 1/12 tsp. of honey in her lifetime.
  • A hive of bees must visit 1 million flowers to produce 1 lb. of honey.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog posts about honey, give these a try really great tasting honey and they care about the bees too.
