Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is in Thousand Island dressing?

: thousand island

Why: Jeff said that in Utah, fries are served with "fry sauce," which is made of ketchup, mayonnaise, and sometimes pickles. To my knowledge, those are the ingredients in Thousand Island.

Answer: Gag:
  • Ketchup
  • Mayonnaise
  • Tabasco sauce
  • Finely chopped vegetables, like pickles, onions, bell peppers, and green olives
  • Chopped hard-boiled egg (optional)
The name is mentioned in a 1900 cookbook, meaning it was well-known by then. One theory says it was named after the specks of pickle in the sauce that look like archipelagos. Another says some lady gave it to a guy at the Thousand Islands resort, and he gave it to the maitre d' at the Waldorf-Astoria, who put it on the menu.
Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: Jeff would have me tell you that fry sauce tastes very little like Thousand Island, and that even the guy on "Diners, Drive-ins and Dives" - who expected the same thing - said so.

Also, In-N-Out spread is Thousand Island almost exactly. I don't like ketchup and I detest mayonnaise, which is probably why I don't go apeshit over In-N-Out the way other people do:


  1. I've never had fry sauce, but Thousand Island dressing is also commonly known as McDonald's "secret sauce" for its Big Mac. They taste pretty similar, which kind of makes sense, since there is a lot of bread and lettuce (salad) to the Mac.

  2. But In N' Out is so tasty!

  3. Meh, and meh to Big Macs. I am a mustard girl.

  4. This is good to know for when I take you out on a date.

  5. Oh man, I grew up with thousand island sauce, haha. That's probably why I like it so much. McDonalds Sauce is crap though. Oy. I would not recommend it.

    By the way, I LOOOOVE your blog. :D

  6. Carly, I'm not trying to be creepy. You told me to check out your blog. Don't you remember?
