Wednesday, January 13, 2010

What is allspice?

: allspice

Why: In the New Yorker Improvisation "Duck" by Heston Blumenthal:
For two months, working in the Fat Duck's lab, my development chefs and I prepared countless variations on a demi-glace until we had a rich, caramelized flavor from roasted duck bones, fruity and oaky elements from a Shiraz, and touches of spice from star anise, clove, allspice, and ginger.
It sounds made up.

Answer: It is the dried unripe berry of the evergreen pimento tree! It also goes by the names Jamaica pepper, kurundu, myrtle pepper, pimenta, and newspice. It tastes like cinnamon, nutmeg, and clove, hence the name "allspice."
Source: Gourmet Sleuth, Wikipedia

The More You Know: Oils in the plant have been found to contain antimicrobial properties. It has been used as a deodorant and for relief of indigestion!

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