Friday, October 23, 2009

What poem has the line "How do you like your blue-eyed boy, Mister Death?"

: "blue eyed boy mr death" cummings; blueeyed boy mister death

Why: In The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion:
I took the silver clip the social worker had given my the night before from the box in the bedroom and looked at the driver's license. Eyes: BL, the license read. Restrictions: Corrective lenses.
Why make this call and not just say what you wanted?
His eyes. His blue eyes. His blue imperfect eyes.
and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death
I could not that morning remember who wrote those lines. I thought it was E.E. Cummings but I could not be sure.
Answer: It's called "Buffalo Bill" by ee cummings:
Buffalo Bill's
who used to
ride a watersmooth-silver
and break onetwothreefourfive pigeons justlikethat

he was a handsome man
and what i want to know is
how do you like your blueeyed boy
Mister Death
Source: Poem Hunter

The More You Know: My spelling is all f-ed because I'm listening to this on audiobook. I found the right words here (on p. 40).

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