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Wednesday, October 21, 2009
What is the song in the Cadillac SRX commercial?
Search: cadillac srx commercial
Why: It is Katrina's favorite TV show. The song goes, "Falling, falling, falling............"
Answer: "1901" by Phoenix! Listen to it here! Source: SoCal Cadillac
The More You Know: When Mia and I were DJs, we got a single of "Run, Run, Run," which I like, I don't mind telling you. It also contains the lyrics, "You didn't catch me falling, falling, falling....."
woot!! thank you!!...haha this is funny cause my name is Carly too, spelt the same way! anyways thanks so much!, i purposely watch this commercial cause i like the song...i don't need to now :P
i could have used this two weeks ago, but better late than never i guess!
ReplyDeleteI actually noticed this commercial for the first time last night, having already posted this. Doodily doo.
ReplyDeletewoot!! thank you!!...haha this is funny cause my name is Carly too, spelt the same way! anyways thanks so much!, i purposely watch this commercial cause i like the song...i don't need to now :P