Saturday, October 3, 2009

I want to hear the Stevie Wonder song "Fingertips"

: stevie wonder fingertips

Why: In The Help by Kathryn Stockett, p. 21:
I set at my table to eat, turn on the kitchen radio. Little Stevie Wonder's singing "Fingertips." Being colored ain't nothing on that boy. He twelve years old, blind, and got a hit on the radio.
Answer: Listen!

Source: YouTube

The More You Know: "Fingertips" was released 8 days after Stevie's 13th birthday. He was born blind near Detroit in 1950:
The product of a premature birth, the blood vessels at the back of his eyes had not yet reached the front, and an aborted growth spurt caused the retinas to detach. The medical term for this condition is known as retinopathy of prematurity, or ROP, and while it may have been exacerbated by the oxygen pumped into his incubator, this treatment was not the primary cause of his blindness.


  1. I love the song, Fingertips. It solidified Stevie's musical career. I wanted to read the book, The Help, but it's fiction. Read or look up "Who Will Sing for Lena"

  2. You are allowed to read fiction! Go ahead and try!
