Monday, October 26, 2009

Did Christian from "Clueless" ever act again?

: clueless

Why: Kylie at 2Pz posted this, because I don't know why. I have seen just about everyone else, even if it was only in "Clueless" the TV show (I'm looking at you, Ambular).

Answer: Well, not really. Here are Justin Walker's post-Clueless credits, none of which you have ever seen:
  1. Take Out (2005)
  2. A.P.U.: Art, Pot and Underwear (2003)
  3. The Woman Every Man Wants (2001) ... aka Perfect Lover (USA)
  4. I Shaved My Legs for This (2001)
  5. Big Monster on Campus (2000)
  6. Born Bad (1999)
  7. "V.I.P." (1 episode, 1999) (TV)
  8. Splendor Falls (1999) ... aka Glacier Falls (USA: new title)
  9. The Journey: Absolution (1997) .
  10. Last Resort (1996)
  11. Humanoids from the Deep (1996) (TV)
  12. Clueless (1995)
Source: IMDb

The More You Know: Walker owns a Tacone Flavor Grill, which is funny because that's what I'm about to have for lunch (it is one of 3 overpriced restaurants in my building).


  1. perhaps justin walker owns the overpriced tacone flavor grill in your building?

  2. Haha he wishes - looks like he could use my $9.50 for a wrap

  3. wasn't 'i shaved my legs for this' the name of a shania twain album?

    believe it or not, someone made a christian reference over dinner last night. what are the odds?!!?

  4. i dont know what you're talking about, APU is an underrated classic

  5. APU is indeed a classic,
