Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What happened to Drew Allen Bush?

: drew allen bush

Why: On PostSecret this week:

How did he die?

: His shitty new friend Sean Slater shot him in the throat. He was 12 years old. His mom Shelly Bush wrote this on his memorial site:
Passed away on September 3, 2005.

drew went to a short term friends house where the boy got out a 20 gauge shot gun said he wanted to scare drew and pointed it at him when drew told him to stop twice he then pionted the gun around the room then pointed back at drew cocking pulling hammer back then pulled the trigger a foot away from drew's throat killing him instantly. this boy got 90 days in d.h. for this which we fill very let down by the justice system this boy knew what he was doing and paying no price for it. his mother got 30 days in county and short time in a rehab. she allowed her son the gun in his room because he says he was afraid she allowed him alcohol and hand pipe rolling papers and bong for a mind alltering herb he was smoking. she is a pathetic mother that shouldnt have custody of her child so again the justice system let us down. the slater family is a disgusting unremorceful trash. we are the family serving the life sentence. we will always fight for drew and fight to change laws LOVE-A-KID LOCK-A-GUN
Yipes. She wrote more here.

He was points champion at motocross dirt bike racing. #77

: Last-Memories.com, Common Sense About Kids and Guns

The More You Know: Ew, and the mother of the murdery kid also gave him salvia (in addition to the shotgun). The story reminds me of that thing in America where it's illegal to do pretty much anything except churn out a bunch of kids and then be a horrible parent who ruins lives.


  1. wow, i just saw this on postsecret & was googling & found your blog. i can't believe that kid & that family got away with this. :(

  2. I saw this on Post Secret too and looked it up...how TERRIBLY sad...and disgusting how there was no recourse or real consequences for such lecherous behavior...so sorry about little Drew - unbearable loss...RIP. xo
