Tuesday, November 15, 2011

How many people have lived on Earth in the history of all of time?

: how many people have lived and died

Why: I just read this:
I don't believe in hell or heaven, but I do believe in souls, and I think that when we die our souls detach from our mortal bodies and roam freely through the universe experiencing everything in existence.
Let's say that's true. How many disembodied souls are wandering around right now?

Answer: Something like 108 BILLION!!!!! That's so many. That's 10-17 times as many people as are living on the planet right now.
Assuming that we start counting from about 55,000 B.C. , the time when modern home sapiens appeared on the earth (not from 1,700,000 B.C., when the ancestors of Homo sapiens appeared, or several million years ago hominids were present), talking into account that all population data are a rough estimate, and assuming a constant growth rate applied to each period up to modern times, it has been estimated that a total of 106 billion people have been born since the dawn of the human race.
That is from 2002, when the world population was est. 6.2 billion.

That is a lot of souls. Uch, I feel like they're on me.
Source: Wiki.Answers, Population Reference Bureau,

The More You Know: Some time in the 1970s, a writer made the statement that 75% of the people who had ever been born were alive at that moment. That wasn't even close to true. It's estimated that about 6.5% of all people ever born are alive today.

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