Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I want to see some pictures of the band Cults

: cults band; madeline folin

Why: Oh my god, I can't take them out of my ears. I found them on my iPod last night on the airplane (thanks Kylie), and I haven't changed the channel since. Have you heard this superdarling beef jerky* for the ears?

Did you listen to them?

: Here they are! Their names are "Brian Oblivion"** and Madeline Folin. Look how eXoTiC:
They're both 21ish and a couple A COUPLE OF KNUCKLEHEADS. Read their interview here on Pitchfork THANKS PITCHFORK YOU ARE ALWAYS ON TOP OF THINGS. I don't know why I keep doing that IT'S BEEN A LONG WEEK I'M FREAKING OUT.
I kind of wish he would cut his hair omg KatriNA HOW DID YOU GET IN THAT PHOTOGRAPH? ^^^

Source: Google Images

The More You Know: Let's go see them soon!***
Oh my god!
*Full disclosure: I had beef jerky for the first time this past Friday (in Texas, natch) and I've consumed 3 full sacks of it since then. Life starts now!

**Nathan Explosion?

***I just found out I have already seen this band open for The Morning Benders. Well, goddamn.


  1. Such a great band! I fell in love with them after hearing "Go Outside." They're also featured on NPR, check out the article:

  2. welx! "oh my god" is my favorite and "bumper" is my second favorite.

    i didn't see that long hair (on the boy) comin'!

  3. Same re: "Oh My God." It makes me feel like I'm in a movie scene on a playground and everything is spinning around me. And some of them sound like tracks in musicals. How did they DO that?
