Saturday, December 12, 2009

Who sings that song that goes "If I could walk on water"?

: if i could walk on water

Why: In Coraline, Spink and Forcible stand on top of a barrel full of water.

Answer: Omg Eddie Money! Listen and watch his amazing video here!
I want to watch whatever show that is at the beginning with the Godzillas.

Source: YouTube

The More You Know: Eddie Money's real name is Edward Mahoney. Maybe you want to hear his other hit, "Take Me Home Tonight":
Jk, he had a lot of hits.


  1. how did you know that i JUST got finished watching coraline for the first time?

  2. I synched our Netflix queues when you weren't looking. Can't wait to watch "House Bunny" together long distance!!

  3. The show at the beginning with the Godzillas? TBS Night Tracks! I was a teenager in the late '80's. My friends and I would watch "Night Tracks" whenever we had sleepovers. God, I feel old.
