Thursday, December 24, 2009

Who is Justin of shitmydadsays?

: shitmydadsays

Why: On Twitter, his bio just says "I'm 29. I live with my 73-year-old dad. He is awesome. I just write down shit that he says." Some highlights:
  • We're out of Grape Nuts... No, what's left is for me. Sorry, I should have said "You're out of Grape Nuts."
  • Son, no one gives a shit about all the things your cell phone does. You didn't invent it, you just bought it. Anybody can do that.
  • You're like a tornado of bullshit right now. We'll talk again after your bullshit dies out over someone else's house.
  • The baby will talk when he talks, relax. It ain't like he knows the cure for cancer and he just ain't spitting it out.
  • Jesus it's hot in here? Right? No? It's fucking hot, you people looking at me like i'm crazy. You're crazy.
  • Who is this woman?....Kate Beckinsale? Well, you can tell Kate Beckinsale she sucks.
Answer: Justin Halpern! His father is Sam. They live in San Diego. Some notes:
Before retiring, Sam worked in nuclear medicine for the University of California, San Diego.
Growing up, Justin and his two brothers were pretty scared of Sam. Heck, they're still scared of him. After telling Justin's brother, Dan, about Stuff My Dad Says, Justin remembered Dan laughing hysterically to the point of tears. Then, Dan's tone changed. "Dude, you can't tell Dad."
When he finally confessed:

"I told him, 'OK, there's this site called Twitter.' And he was like, 'I know Twitter.' And then he was like, 'Now, do you have to go onto the Internet to access Twitter?' "After providing a basic overview of the project, Justin prepared for the fallout. "I should have seen it coming," Justin said. "He gave the most perfect response. He laughed for, like, 10 seconds, and then he goes, 'I can't find my cellphone. Can you call it?'"

Funny stories:

There was the time Sam coached Justin's little league team and got so frustrated with the players that he quit the gig on the spot, leaving a 9-year-old Justin to walk a few miles home.
"Even at 9, I knew this was going to end terribly," Justin said. "It was just me walking home, and I saw him driving. And he pulls up next to me and says, 'Aw, I forgot to pick you up, didn't I?' ... 'I'm not coaching that [expletive deleted] team anymore.' "
And then there was the time Justin filled Sam's Alfa Romeo Spider convertible with water. Or the time Sam had a bad day and declared, "I'll wear clothes if I want to wear clothes, and I won't wear clothes if I don't want to wear clothes," Justin recited. "And the fact that your friends are coming over soon is inconsequential."
Contrary to the "28-year-old guy living with his parents" stereotype, Justin is, in fact, employed. (He says he moved back to San Diego to get away from the big city life in L.A.) He recently left his job writing for the humor website he founded, called Holy Taco, to write for "Maxim."

(He's in the middle.)
Source: LA Times blogs

The More You Know: From

The author of the account, Justin Halpern, simply tweets the quips and funny off-the-cuffs from his live-in 73-year-old dad. The results are hysterical enough to have already landed him a book deal, and now with a CBS option deal the concept will be finding its way to the other small screen, the television.

The creators of "Will & Grace," David Kohan and Max Mutchnick, are already on board to executive produce the show, planned as a family comedy. Halpern will co-write the script with Patrick Schumacker.

The show will join “Texts from Last Night” as the second internet meme to get picked up by a broadcast network this season, both intended as half-hour series.

I dunno about that.

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