Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Where did the word "caboodle" come from?

: caboodle etymology

Why: I called Maddie "kitten," then "kitten caboodle," even though I know it's "kit and caboodle." Then I thought about the Caboodle Lisa probably still has:
Answer: It's from boodle, "lot, collection," perhaps from Du. boedel, "property." A history of the whole kit and caboodle:
  • The whole kit (1785) - "The whole of a soldier's necessaries, the contents of his knapsack" - from Grose’s Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue

  • The whole kit and boodle (1888) - from 'The Origin of Boodle' in The Dunkirk Observer-Journal, New York:
    It is probably derived from the Old-English word bottel, a bunch or a bundle, as a bottel of straw. "The whole kit and boodle of them" is a New England expression in common use, and the word in this sense means the whole lot. Latterly, boodle has come to be somewhat synonymous with the word pile, the term in use at the gaming table, and signifying a quantity of money. In the gaming sense, when a man has "lost his boodle," he has lost his pile or whole lot of money, whatever amount he happened to have with him.
  • The whole kit and boiling (or bilin') (1920) - from Main Street by Sinclair Lewis:
    ...and some of these college professors are just about as bad, the whole kit and bilin' of 'em are nothing in God's world but socialism in disguise!
  • The whole (or whool) boodle
    (1833) from The Down-Easters by John Neal:
    "I know a feller 'twould whip the whool boodle of 'em an' give 'em six."

    (1839) from The Bangor Whig and Courier:
    "A whole squad have got to permit to see you.
    Who are they?
    I don't know, a whole boodle of them.
  • The whole caboodle (1848) - "The whole caboodle will act upon the recommendation of the Ohio Sun." - from Ohio State Journal

  • The whole kit and caboodle (1884) - "More audiences have been disappointed by him and by the whole kit-and-caboodle of his rivals." - from Syracuse Sunday Standard
Source: EtymOnline, Phrases.org.uk

The More You Know: Caboodles is still a company, in case you are in the market for some nostalgic crap:

1 comment:

  1. I still have my Caboodle! It has the pink top in your picture and a purple bottom like your other photo. LOL! I'm saving it for my granddaughter. Mine still has the tray insert . . .
