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Thursday, December 3, 2009
I want to watch those girls word-dance to "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"
Search: harder faster girls
Why: I have been thinking about Daft Punk ever since that not-LCD Soundsystem commercial played at my house, my house. We discussed this at Disneyland. Val said she had seen the one with the hands, but Kat had seen neither.
Answer: This awesome original is called "Daft Bodies": Source: YouTube
Are you kidding me? It takes me 5 minutes to finger-spell 'Hello'. There's no way I'm coordinated enough for this. But let's try Daft Bodies on Saturday!
Both of those are killing me with their awesomeness
ReplyDeleteHave you tried it with your hands yet? Pix plz
ReplyDeleteAre you kidding me? It takes me 5 minutes to finger-spell 'Hello'. There's no way I'm coordinated enough for this. But let's try Daft Bodies on Saturday!