Thursday, December 10, 2009

I want to see the packaging for the Snuggie for Dogs

: pet snuggie

Why: Katrina's pug Tai, omg:
And she adds:
For the record, the only reason I have it is because Lindsay got one at work, and that's the one and only time I've ever put it on him. It's completely ridiculous. But the box is funny - on the back it has pictures of dogs playing backgammon and holding remote controls. Just think of all the things they can get done with their paws free!
Answer: Omg again:
Source: SnuggieSightings

The More You Know: When I was in Memphis over Thanksgiving, we witnessed a Snuggie Pub Crawl. It was ridiculous. Pics here.

I'm no expert, but aren't they wearing them backwards?

1 comment:

  1. I better not show this to him, the fame will just go to his googly-eyed head
