Friday, December 11, 2009

How many Jews live in Canada?

: canada demographics

Why: On "30 Rock" this week, Danny said:
I'm sorry, are you being sarcastic? Canadians have a hard time recognizing it 'cause we don't have a big Jewish population.
Answer: 329,995 (as of 2001)! That is 1.1% of the population (which is 33,739,859 in 2009, btw)!

The USA has something like 6,444,000 Jews (est. from 2007), which is may be up to 2.2% of the population (308,139,000 in 2009).

Source: Wikipedia

The More You Know: According to the 2001 Census, 13 million Canadians (43.6% of the population) identify as Roman Catholic. Who knew?

Happy Hanukkah, Canada!

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