Thursday, November 5, 2009

Who played Jayden Michael Tyler tonight on "30 Rock"?

: jaden michael tyler; jayden michael tyler

Why: Who?

Answer: I couldn't find it anywhere! Thanks for nothing, Internet!!

But lucky for everyone, I did rewatch on my DVR and discover that it was Nick Fondulis! This information is so new, it's not even on his IMDb page yet!

Source: none! bah!

The More You Know: I think he mostly does plays. Check out these sweet headshots:

UPDATE 3/19/11!! - I just saw him on a Chevy Cruze commercial about real-time Facebook status updates!


  1. But the real question is who played Danny, the robot guy? He'll be the one with the recurring role!

  2. Well it will be Cheyenne Jackson...the broadway community is so excited...Although I don't believe that was him as the robot...It's very exciting...

  3. sweet original content. here you are inventing internet.

  4. Hayden Micheal Tyler was played by Nick Fondulis
