Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's in the song in the Crayola Glow Dome commercial?

: "never gonna go out never go out"

Why: I just saw it!

Answer: "Light Bulb" by Rachel Goodrich! Watch & listen here:
Source: Yahoo! Answers

The More You Know: Crayola produces nearly 3 billion crayons each year, an average of 12
million daily. That's enough to circle the globe 6 times!

After counting more than 25,000 votes cast by Crayola crayon fans of all ages in
the Crayola Color Census 2000, the final tally revealed that Americans’ favorite
Crayola crayon color is blue. In fact, six other shades of blue finished in the Top
10, including:
  • Cerulean
  • Midnight blue
  • Aquamarine
  • Periwinkle
  • Denim
  • Blizzard blue
Other colors rounding out the Top 10 list included purple heart, Caribbean green and cerise:

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