Tuesday, November 10, 2009

What is the song on the new RadioShack commercial?

: "how i wish that it would snow"

Why: I just saw it during "The Biggest Loser." Radio Shack wants you to buy phones & other wireless devices for your loved ones.

Answer: "The Christmas Song (I Wish That I Could Stay)" by The Raveonettes! Listen to the full song here:
All the lights are coming on now
How I wish that it would snow now
I don't feel like going home now
I wish that I could stay
Source: Smart Lyrics

The More You Know: The Raveonettes - Sune Rose Wagner and Sharin Foo - are Danish Danes from Denmark. (Sune is the boy.)


  1. i really love that christmas song.

  2. Thank you. I really liked the song and upon googling, there you were to inform me. In the little bit I've read your blog I would also like to state that I love the movie Airborne and always will.
