Monday, November 16, 2009

What is Noot Seear's full name?

: noot seear

Why: I just saw her on a news blurb about the New Moon premiere. She plays Heidi. She said:
I have a small part in the movie, but everyone knows my name.
Sure, Noot.

Answer: Renata Seear! She is Canadian, but she totally has a fake British accent.

Source: IMDb

The More You Know: Who?

1 comment:

  1. She was born in Simbabwe and her british accent is not fake. Her entire family speaks with British accents. They were born in Malaysia. Her grandfather was danish, born in Japan, and her Grand Mother was from New Zealand. Her Great great-great grand-mother, Maename Kume was Japanese.
    Before moving to Canada, she also lived in Georgetown , Guyana.
