Monday, November 16, 2009

What are some purple foods?

: purple foods

Why: My neighbors are growing these in their parking space / vertical garden. Based on what I've learned from Farmville, I have determined that they are baby eggplants:
Answer: These really range from navy to maroon, but whatever:
  • Ayocote Morado beans
  • beetroot
  • black raspberries
  • black rice
  • blueberries
  • blue corn
  • eggplant
  • figs
  • plums
  • prunes
  • purple asparagus
  • purple cabbage
  • purple carrots
  • purple cauliflower
  • purple corn
  • purple grapes
  • purple kale
  • purple onions
  • purple peppers
  • purple potatoes
  • purple yams
  • raddichio
  • raisins
  • Swiss chard
  • taro
Source: ChowHound

The More You Know: That picture of cauliflower is by Becca Riley, if anyone cares. It links directly to her blog.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you liked my photo of purple cauliflower. Would you please give me the credit for my photo? Thanks.

    Becca Riley
