Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I want to watch the SNL infomercial "Steve Martin's Penis Beauty Creme"

: steve martin penis beauty cream

Why: Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin are hosting the Oscars.

Answer: Here it is!
Source: Hulu

The More You Know: Martin has hosted "Saturday Night Live" 15 times - more than anyone else - and even has his own "SNL - The Best of" compilation. Other frequent guests who have hosted the most episodes (the "Five Timer's Club"):
15 - Steve Martin
14 - Alec Baldwin
12 - John Goodman
10 - Buck Henry
9 - Chevy Chase*
8 - Tom Hanks
7 - Christopher Walken
6 - Drew Barrymore
6 - Elliott Gould
6 - Danny DeVito
5 - Candice Bergen
5 - Bill Murray*
*former SNL cast members

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