Monday, November 16, 2009

I want to see a picture of a cockle

: warmed my cockles; cockles

Why: I said something "warmed my cockles," but then I felt like maybe that was filthy. So I looked it up, and I see:
Here's an explanation of the phrase "warm the cockles of my heart" (found on
Something that warms the cockles of one’s heart induces a glow of pleasure, sympathy, affection, or some such similar emotion. What gets warmed is the innermost part of one’s being.
Cockles have a heart-shaped shell, so this may be the source of the idiom.
Answer: Big news: a cockle is a bivalve salty clam. Here are some:
Source: Google Images

The More You Know: For some reason, I also just thought "Jingle Bells" had some line about cockle shells, but that was wrong. But you know what does have it?
Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row.