Friday, October 23, 2009

What does Richard Ramirez look like today?

: richard ramirez recent

Why: News reports say DNA evidence has tied The Night Stalker to the 1984 rape and murder of a 9 year old girl in San Francisco (in addition to at least 13 others). He was sentenced to die on Nov. 7, 1989 - that's 20 years ago next next Saturday.

Anyway, I know what he looked like then, but what does Richard Ramirez look like now?

Answer: Oh, pretty much the same. Here he is in 2007:
Source: Serial Killers Ink

The More You Know: That site has an Q and A with Ramirez. Highlights:
  • if you could meet any person who would it be?
    I would have like to have met Cleopatra
  • what would your ideal job have been?
    a little league baseball coach
  • favorite actress?
    Abigail Breslin


  1. couldn't have answered those interview questions more creepily.

  2. Still creepy, just older, and uglier. This bastard should be put down, what are they waiting for?? Wasting the tax payers money?

  3. I personally thought he was good looking as a younger man...
    But he still had no excuse for what he did to those unfortunate people.
    I can't begin to fathom how he managed to do it.
    I don't agree that "This bastard should be put down...",
    But I do think he should be brutally beaten.
    No joke.

  4. Yes i agree what Richard Ramirez did back in the 1980's was wrong! But you have to go back in his childhood and see how this all came about..He pretty much was trained to kill from his cousin Michael from the age 11 on up

  5. Richard Ramirez is a product of his childhood. Broken home, a twisted uncle scarred from Vietnam who warped his mind in his formative years.

    Then, drug use addled his already borderline personality, making him unable to withstand the violent urges within him.

    This history is what turns people into serial killers. No remorse, no conscience.

    By no means should this lessen their punishment. Some people are beyond saving. The death penalty? Yes, it should be used in some cases for those people that have proven they are a danger to society, such a Ramirez.

  6. does he really has a borderline disorder? i guess dahmer had one...but richie mhm

  7. Why is he even alive? and why is he allowed to grow his hair? yes because he is non black. for his crimes he should have been electrocuted long time ago, instead, I have to pay to keep him alive, and a black man kills a rapist or someone that attacts his family and he immediately gets life.


  9. I've been writing to Richard for a while now. Despite all his crimes, he's a nice guy to talk to. I enjoy reading his letters and receiving his drawings.

  10. He's a sick monster. I cannot believe people actually write him!! I cannot believe he's been able to live all these years after what he did. It's like a slap in the face to all the victims' families!! No matter how he was raised, there's still no excuse keeping people like this alive. All states need to bring back the chair & fire it up until ALL these creeps are gone!!

  11. Still a beautiful man. Too sad what's he done. He could better be an actor or something.

  12. I believe he did what he did for a reason so don't be a hater. I love Richard Ramirez. 666

  13. "Wasting the tax payers money?" I am so tired of reading this kind of comments... When you Americans will learn that an executions costs millions of dollars?! If the problem for you is:"Wasting the tax payers money?", so let the man in prison for the rest of his life. It's less expensive, dumb. And for what I read here in a few comments, you are worse than Ramirez. He was trained to kill, his innocence was taken away, he was abused & beaten. What are your excuses for so much hatred?

  14. people arent born serial killers.
    many reasons people do what they do
    stop judging

  15. he looks pretty tired,can you notice the color of his skin,that's what it does being in a cell almost 24/7

  16. What is he doing 24/7 - I know Rick - He is masturbating...

  17. I agree that he is still very handsome. However, I also agree that what he did was beyond the pale and that it is high time that he be executed. Why does it take for freaking ever to actually carry out a death sentence?

  18. I use to write to The Night Stalker too. With me, he was okay and sometimes ew. I use to keep his letters in a little black coffin. I don't have them anymore tho. I asked him to outline his hand for me and wow, his hand is H U G E ! I wished I had kept his letters and uploaded them for all to read. Oh, well. Nope, I don't want to write to him anymore.

  19. DEAR FEE,



    You need help.

  21. I hope he rots and after he has been executed I hope they urinate on him :)

    It is nice that they probably put stuff in his prison food like faeces and other things...

    Anyway this guy is doomed, after he has served mans justice he has to also face Gods - This pig will suffer for what he has done.

  22. People are pretty execution costs millions of dollars. LWOP would be much less expensive. Make up your minds: either you want to continue to pay as long as Richard is still alive, as well as fund his execution, or you'd rather he be granted life without parole.

    Also, about what people said about him facing "God": He's actually a Satanist, so Hell is probably where he wants to be; you wishing him there would only make his wish come true.

    Honestly, I'm sick of people playing "God". Killing to teach people that killing is wrong is ineffective. If people actually gave a damn about the death penalty, there'd be a lot less murderers, wouldn't there?

    I don't want this creepy bastard out roaming the streets either, but still. It's annoying to me to see serial killer groupies and haters alike because neither group knows what they're talking about...and maybe I don't either.

  23. what just DON'T, exterminated all does BASTARDS. that Thing call Ramirez. He shall died the same way as he did to all the victims.

    get rid of him..NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. Get rid of all of them.
    they shall died the same way.. no remorse for those BASTARDS"

  25. Always been a big fan of Richard's..God bless him.Talk about style passion and determination thats our Richard,i say set him free :)

  26. Hahahahahahahahaa he's just a old man who cares move onto the next one.

  27. Im fuckin cool yee yee.lalalala

    Ps. Richard Ramirez Isa Fagg Yee Yee !

  28. This Satan stuff is crap. Somebody went "Prince of Tides" on his ass and turned him violent. Same old, same old...

  29. The "wife" has no self-esteem. Foolish woman.

  30. who gives a fuck. shoot him and end it. period.

  31. Why does it have to cost so much. bullet to the head, done, Incinerate body with the trash, done.

    Cost one bullet.

  32. Any one who praises that wetback is a devil worshiping poser time to grow up and face reality! Those chicanos that beat his ass were vatos from the varrio that don't play that major leauge bullshit!!! I know .......
