Saturday, September 5, 2009

What is the origin of the word Gotham?

Search: gotham origin

Why: At the cineplex today, Deepak Chopra was on that long Honda commercial / short documentary about Dreams. His son is named Gotham. He was an anchor on Channel One. Gotham City is New York.

Answer: This is an answer to "Why is New York called 'Gotham'?"

Gotham was first used in reference to Manhattan by Washington Irving in the early 19th century. The word itself is English in origin and dates from the Middle Ages. Gotham, or 'Gotam,' was the name of a real and often-ridiculed town in England, whose residents had a reputation for madness.

A variant of this story was that Gothamites were not truly mad but simply "wise enough to play the fool" - in a variety of ways they merely acted silly to gain their ends. "It was doubtless this more beguiling - if tricksterish - sense of Gotham that Manhattanites assumed as an acceptable nickname."

Source: Gotham Center

The More You Know: Don't forget to watch this awesome video of "Gotham City" by R. Kelly:

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