Friday, August 7, 2009

I want to see the little Medici princess in the Uffizi

: medici princess braids

Why: In The Time-Traveler's Wife (which I am listening to on Audiobook this week):
I hand her the postcard from the Uffizi. "Can you do this?" I have always loved the little Medici princess whose hair is not unlike mine; hers has many tiny braids and pearls all swooped together in a beautiful fall of amber hair. The anonymous artist must have loved her.
Answer: Hmm. Since art owned by the Medici family forms the core of the Uffizi, there are a buttload of portraits of young ladies in it. How about this one?
Source: Google Images

The More You Know: Turns out the author Audrey Niffenegger didn't have a specific painting in mind anyway. In an online discussion, she admitted:
Alas, that painting is completely fictional. But it would be fun to find an appropriate one and retrofit it into the world of the book.

Here is Claire's wedding hair in the movie, anyway:


  1. oh my god I'm almost done with the book and I loooove it. And her wedding dress in the movie is exaaaactly how I always pictured what mine will be. So of course I had to see what the hair that the book descibes looks like :) so thanks for the post!

  2. When I read the description of Clare's wish I too started to search for a picture that enables me to imagine the hair.
    Thank you for the picture and also for Audrey's comment! ;)

  3. Rachel McAdams is a lovely Clare. That dude who plays Henry is a disappointment, however.

    I read that the guy who wrote the script (not Niffenegger) wrote it for Brad and Jen, but then they split. Sigh, I think Brad would have made a perfectly delicious Henry.

    Thanks for looking for the Medici - that's how I ended up here too.

  4. hi there. i've just finished the book, n i too was googling for the medici princess ;p thank you for your input! too bad the movie wasn't as good as the book. eric bana n rachel macadams are perfect for the roles, if it was brad n jen i don't think i'd be that much enthusiastic to see the film.

  5. Hello from Germany!
    This is one of my favorite books. I've read it many times and I too wondered about the portrait. Somehow I imagined it more like this:


  6. I thought it had to be this one: , but I've heard too many authors lament that people don't realize how much stuff is just made up to fit the story to doubt Audrey.

    And in a way it's fitting... we all got here searching for an image to match her words, or confirmation that the image her words drew from our heads might be the right one.
