Saturday, July 4, 2009

What is a Faustus hood?

: faustus hood

Why: In Reality Bites, Troy strums his guitar and says:
Should I get married? Should I be good?
Should I astound the girl next door with my velvet suit and my faustus hood?
And not take her to movies buy to cemeteries
and tell her of werewolf tongues and forked clarinets?
If Doctor Faustus wore a hood, I don't know about it.

: Faust (or Faustus, in Marlowe's play) made a deal with the Devil in exchange for knowledge (and servitude from Mephistophilis). I didn't find a single reference to a hood, but I remembered that in my favorite movie Tombstone, the Devil disguises him(her!)self with a hood. IDKmybffjill.

Source: Google Books

The More You Know: Those lines Troy says are from the poem "Marriage" by the Beat poet Gregory Corso.


  1. someone left me a facebook comment with these "should i get married, should i be good" + on... did you google the lines? because in fact the guy in reality bites took the lines from a poem by beat poet gregory corso. just saying. and no insight on what a faustus hood is either.

  2. Yes, I posted all that information above, including what a Faustus hood is. Did you read it carefully?
