Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Why is the label on Angostura Bitters bottles so big?

: angostura bitters

Why: Zack has never heard of Peychaud's. Bottles of Angostura Bitters look like this:

Answer: Two tales:
  1. "It was simply a result of the laid back Caribbean attitude. When someone ordered the wrong size of label and the mistake was spotted, everyone thought someone else would correct it. When no one did, they decided to stick with the oversized label rather than change it and so it became the trademark of the brand."
  2. "One guy went out to buy the bottle and another guy was sent to buy a label. When they met back at the office they realized that the label was too big but time was running out so they decided to just make it work.
Source: AngosturaBitters.com

The More You Know: Only 5 people know the whole Angostura recipe, but it is made of herbs, spices, citrus flavoring, and the bitter herb gentian in Trinidad and Tobago. It was invented in 1820 by the German doctor Johann Gottlieb Benjamin Siegert, Surgeon-General in Simon Bolivar's army in Venezuela, while trying find a medicine to improve appetite and digestive well-being of the soldiers.

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