Sunday, May 24, 2009

How fast does cat hair grow?

: how fast does cat hair grow

Why: Zack wants to brush Maddie bald, but I think by the time he finished one spot, her fur would already be growing again.

Answer: Depending on the breed, a typical hair growth cycle lasts 60-90 days. Unlike human hair follicles, each cat follicle has up to 6 guard hairs and even more of the shorter downy hairs.

Source: Suite101

The More You Know: People are not allergic to cat fur, dander, or saliva, but to sebum - a fatty substance secreted by the cat's sebaceous glands. A person may be allergic to one cat and not another. Though there isn't a way to predict which cat is more likely to cause allergic reactions, it has been proven that male cats shed much greater amounts of allergen than females. A neutered male, however, sheds much less than a non-neutered male.

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