Tuesday, May 5, 2009

How can I quit ChapStick?

: how to wean chapstick

Why: I am powerless over my addiction.

Answer: The best way is the same way I would break any bad substance or habit: Just stop. Stop buying it, stop carrying it around, stop sneaking in a swipe here and there. Just cut it out of my life completely.

Exfoliate lips and surrounding area every day. It removes flakes and makes lips feel smoother. When you think about it, lip balms seem to just keep on the skin that should have been sloughed off a long time ago. Zombie skin.

If I want, switch to a different lip balmy-type thing that doesn't contain ingredients that dry lips - namely camphor, peppermint, or menthol. Stick to Vitamin E, cocoa butter, shea butter, and oils. And drink more water to hydrate skin, including lips.

Source: Ask.Metafilter

The More You Know: The letter sequence "ough" in American English has at least 6 different pronunciations:
  • bough (like wow)
  • cough (like The Hoff)
  • dough (like whoa)
  • rough (like stuff)
  • slough (like moo)
  • thought (like caught)

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