Search: beer alcohol content list
Why: Looking for the most bang for my buck.
Answer: Top 10:
- Sam Adams Triple Bock - 17.5%
- Bell's Third Coast Old Ale - 10.2%,
- Bell's Expedition Stout - 10%
- Stone Double Bastard Ale - 10%
- Anchor Old Foghorn - 8-10%
- Sierra Nevada Bigfoot - 9.9%
- Stone Old Guardian - 9.9%
- Marin Old Dipsea Barleywine - 9%
- Sam Adams Double Bock - 8.5%
- Bell's Cherry Stout - 8%
The More You Know: Sam Adams Triple Bock has 340 calories per 12 oz.
I'm going to have to disagree:
Ah yes - Realbeer barely has any microbreweries listed. Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA is listed as having either 20% or 18% (?) alcohol and 450 calories. Thanks!